

The common scalp problem known as dandruff may have a substantial negative influence on a person's sense of self-worth and general well-being. White flakes, itching, and inflammation of the scalp are the symptoms. The Luxury Aesthetics Centre offers effective treatments to alleviate the symptoms of dandruff since we understand the misery it may cause. Our qualified professionals use cutting-edge techniques and therapeutic remedies to get rid of dandruff and restore a healthy scalp. Through one-on-one consultations, we create customized treatment plans that consider each patient's needs. We aim to alleviate suffering and offer customers a cause to feel good about the state of their hair and scalp via our expertise and commitment to perfection.

Dandruff Treatments offered at Luxury Aesthetics Centre

Anti-Dandruff rituals

Anti-dandruff ritual is a customised remedy for dandruff. It makes use of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal ingredients to get rid of dandruff.. Read More

Hair Growth Booster

Hair Growth Booster is an Auto Microneedling LED device installed with a hair stamp designed to be used with HR3 matrix hair solution alpha for alopecia treatment. However, it can be used to treat severe... Read More

What is Dandruff?

Dandruff is a common itchy scalp condition characterised by excessive flaking of the scalp skin or excessive shedding of the dry scalp skin. Its biggest tell-tale sign is white flakes made up of dead skin cells that fall off on the hair strands. It is not a serious skin issue nor a contagious skin problem. It is just a dermatologist concern that can be embarrassing to have and even difficult to clear away, especially when it is chronic. 

What causes Dandruff?

Dandruff is typically caused by excess greasy, oily scalp skin or extremely dry skin. It is mostly related to Seborrheic dermatitis- an inflammatory scalp skin condition mainly caused by an overgrowth of Malasezzia yeast. 

Other possible reasons for its occurrence are skin conditions like: 

  • Psoriasis 
  • Eczema 
  • Pollution
  • Scalp skin sensitivity to hair products (contact dermatitis)
  • Weakened immune system
  • Lack of hair hygiene
  • Dry scalp
  • Certain neurological/psychiatric conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury, and others. 

Mild dandruff is treatable with the use of carefully chosen shampoo or a medicated shampoo. But if shampooing doesn’t work out, hair experts in Delhi at Luxury Aesthetics Centre can help get rid of dandruff with some in-clinic procedures.

Why Choose a Luxury Aesthetics Centre for dandruff treatment?

Anyone can experience it in varying severity at some point in their lives. If having dandruff, medical advice matters, for which Luxury Aesthetics Centre is the best!
At Luxury Aesthetics Centre, the best dandruff treatment clinic in Delhi, highly experienced hair and skin experts diagnose the exact cause of dandruff, treat dandruff, and avoid future relapses. Every patient that comes to us is provided with the best quality of care. The clinic makes use of cutting-edge technologies like tricho-analysis to diagnose dandruff and offer customised dandruff treatments at reasonable prices. The clinic provides safe and secure treatments to all their patients. The experts also encourage the commitment of people to well-balanced healthy lifestyles and believe in natural-looking results. 

What are the different types of dandruff?


Dandruff can be of several types, each having a different underlying cause. The types include dry-skin dandruff, oily-skin dandruff, fungus-related dandruff, and disease-related dandruff.

  • Dry skin dandruff happens more in dry, winter months when taking hot showers can remove natural oils from the scalp.
  • Oily skin dandruff is the result of excess sebum production on the scalp that causes the shedding of dead skin cells in clumps.
  • Scalp seborrheic dermatitis is the most severe kind of oily skin dandruff and comes under the type: Disease-related dandruff. It is even fungus-related dandruff. Fungus-related dandruff is caused by an overgrowth of Malassezia fungus, which normally resides

on the scalp skin in small numbers. Malassezia yeast can trigger inflammatory scalp conditions that cause dandruff.

Disease-related dandruff is caused by skin conditions like eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis affecting the scalp. Eczema is an inflammatory condition that can affect the scalp by causing flakes larger than dry-skin dandruff. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease in which skin cells grow rapidly. Scalp psoriasis may appear as powdery, fine, silver-sheen flakes or raised, inflamed, scaly skin patches covered with a silver-white build-up of dead skin cells.   
Some types of dandruff are easily treatable with home remedies or simply changing hair care routines and switching to a healthy lifestyle. Other types of dandruff may need prescription medications or procedures.

When to see a doctor for dandruff treatment?

A doctor’s evaluation and treatment are not necessary for mild dandruff. Thus, many people won’t need to see a doctor for dandruff treatment. However, some people may need to see a doctor to get prescription-strength anti-dandruff shampoos or other medications. One must follow up with an expert doctor if noticing changes or worsening of their dandruff-affected scalp condition. One can even consult a doctor when the self-care is not working out for dandruff.
Some signs that indicate the need of seeing a doctor for dandruff treatment are persistent rash, ongoing irritation or redness, scaling that doesn’t clear, severe itchiness, or excessive flakes that don’t go away with OTC shampoos. One must visit a hair expert in Delhi at the Luxury Aesthetics Centre if they have scalp conditions like dandruff. With medical guidance, one can determine an effective dandruff treatment for oneself and go ahead with the doctor’s prescribed treatment plan. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Home hair care tips that help treat or prevent dandruff from worsening?

Home hair care tips to treat or prevent dandruff from worsening

  • Choose the right hair care products based on one’s hair type and scalp skin condition.
  • Keep the scalp skin and hair clean by taking a head shower with cold water 2-3 times a week. Avoid letting the scalp be suffocated by any build-ups like residues of products, extra sebum, dead skin cells, and dirt.
  • Before going outside, keep your head covered with caps, hats, or any other headgear.
  • Do not scratch the itchy scalp or forcefully take white flakes out of the scalp skin as it can worsen the scalp condition. It can lead to soreness, bleeding, and redness of the skin.
  • Go for healthy eating so that scalp gets enough nutrients to maintain the hair texture and quality.
  • Brush your hair with a firm, steady strokes from hair roots to tips to remove the build-up of skin cells and oils on the scalp as well as improve blood circulation. By doing this often, you can let natural oils from the scalp be carried along the hair strands to prevent skin flaking and simultaneously keep the hair shiny.
  • Don’t take much stress as it can trigger flare-ups of dandruff.
  • Maintain a good hair care routine that is best suited for one’s scalp skin and hair type.

What is the connection between dandruff and psoriasis of the scalp?

The connection between dandruff and scalp psoriasis is that they are both scalp issues or conditions and are separate and unrelated. Dandruff, or seborrheic dermatitis, is caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called Malassezia. At the same time, scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that leads to the buildup of skin cells on the scalp.
In many cases, dandruff and scalp psoriasis exhibit similar symptoms like itching, inflammation, redness, and scaling, with different underlying causes. Someone can have both conditions simultaneously, making it challenging to distinguish between them based on symptoms alone.
If one is experiencing scalp issues, it is advisable to consult a dandruff treatment doctor in New Delhi, Panchsheel, South Delhi (India) at Luxury Aesthetics Centre for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options tailored to one’s specific condition.

Why are my dandruff flakes yellow instead of white?

Yellow flakes may indicate a more severe form of dandruff that affects oily skin. Along with flakes, the skin may appear red and irritated. Stress, fatigue, and sudden weather changes can trigger seborrheic dermatitis. While it can be persistent, regular cleansing with anti-dandruff shampoo is usually effective in managing seborrheic dermatitis. If

How does dandruff occur?

The scalp has hair and skin, and they continuously grow and shed. Sebum or natural skin oil, is also present. In the case of dandruff, the top layer of skin sheds more rapidly, forming clump flakes when combined with sebum. Experts also believe increased sebum production can promote the growth of a specific fungus or yeast that naturally resides on the skin, further contributing to dandruff.

Is dandruff contagious?

No, dandruff is not contagious. It cannot be transmitted or acquired from others. It is important to understand that having dandruff does not indicate poor hygiene. Even if one maintains good hygiene and washes their hair regularly, they may still experience dandruff flakes.
To gain more information on dandruff treatment cost in Delhi, visit now at Luxury Aesthetics Centre.

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S-347, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Panchsheel Park, Near Panchsheel Park Metro Station, Delhi 110017



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