

If acne is affecting your life, then visit Luxury Aesthetics, the best centre for acne treatment in Delhi that provides both medical and laser acne treatment services. The acne treatment doctors provide treatment with an excellent likelihood of permanently eliminating acne.
Acne is a common skin concern caused by plugging of the hair follicles or clogging of the skin pores by excess oil, dead skin cells, dirt, and sometimes bacteria. It can develop on almost any body part, but mostly acne-breakouts appear on the face, neck, back, shoulder, and chest.
Pimples can make the skin rough and uneven. Alongside acne, people might even experience inflammation, skin discoloration like redness and hyperpigmentation, and pain or tenderness upon touching or not. Some acne can cause scarring or discoloration.

Acne Treatments Offered At Luxury Aesthetics Centre


ClearSkin™ is a revolutionary non-ablative laser designed especially for treating stubborn or severe acne breakouts. It works by combating excess sebum, dead skin cells, and acne-causing bacteria. Read More

Carbon Facial

Carbon Facial is a non-invasive laser peel treatment. It works by heat destroying the carbon particles bonded to dead skin cells, excess oils, bacteria, and other impurities on the face. Read More

HydraFacial MD

HydraFacial is an innovative microdermabrasion procedure that cleanse and exfoliates the face. It helps extract all acne-inducing grime and oil from the skin pores to reduce acne and blemishes. Read More


MediFacial is a customized facial that makes use of medicated products and medical-grade devices to help clear existing acne and prevent future acne flare-ups. It works by deeply cleansing the face... Read More

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are acidic solutions of varying strengths that can be used to peel out acne blemishes. It helps exfoliate the skin, unclog the pores, and allow new skin to regenerate. Read More

Types of Acne

People who have acne might notice several kinds of skin lesions or pimples. Broadly, acne can be of two kinds: Non-inflammatory and Inflammatory acne. The latter kind is caused by blocking skin pores with acne-causing bacteria along with dead skin cells, sebum, and dirt.

Non-inflammatory acne is the most common acne lesion. It is further of two types:

  • Open comedones (Blackheads): These are plugged hair follicles that open up at the surface of the skin. They appear black because of their contact with air that discolours the sebum present in clogged hair follicles.
  • Closed comedones (Whiteheads): These are plugged hair follicles that remain beneath the superficial skin. As they remain closed, they form raised white bumps on the top of the skin.

Inflammatory acne is most likely to lead to scarring. It has four sub-types:

  • Papules- These usually appear as small, red/pink bumps on the skin that can be tender to the touch.
  • Pustules- These are the papules whose centres are filled with white or yellow coloured pus. They are commonly known as pimples.
  • Nodules- These are large, solid, often painful lesions that develop deep within the skin.
  • Cysts- These are severe forms of nodules. They are painful, pus-filled, solid lesions lodged deep within the skin. 

Meet the acne treatment doctor in New Delhi, Panchsheel, South Delhi (India) at Luxury Aesthetics Centre. It is a premium and well-equipped centre that provides treatment for all types of skin issues following advanced technology and proper diagnosis of the condition.

What Causes Acne?

Human skin has multiple skin pores. Each of these pores opens to a hair follicle. Every hair follicle has hair and a sebaceous gland. This gland releases sebum (oil), which travels up the hair, out of the pore, and onto the skin. The natural oils of the skin help keep the skin well-lubricated and soft. When there is any mishap in sebum production, acne can develop.
According to medical researchers and doctors, acne is believed to be developed because of one or more of the following reasons:

  • Excess sebum or oil production by the hair follicles clogs the pore
  • Build of dead skin cells in the pore
  • Growth of acne-causing bacteria in the pore.

Risk factors that contribute to acne:

  • Hormonal fluctuations- An increase in male sex hormones- the androgens, may cause acne to develop. That’s because they can cause sebaceous glands to enlarge and produce more sebum. These hormonal changes happen during puberty. Hormonal changes at the time of pregnancy can also be a culprit for acne. Furthermore, Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in women and other endocrine conditions can elevate the levels of androgens and cause acne.
  • Family history- Researchers believe that people are more likely to develop acne if their parents too had it.
  • Certain medications- Hormonal birth control pills, lithium-based drugs, anti-convulsants, and cortico-steroids can cause acne to develop.
  • Age- Teenagers and young adults are at more risk of experiencing acne breakouts.

At the centre various other treatments are also offered. This includes lifestyle modification, use of certain antibiotics, and modern therapies. For more information on acne treatment cost in Delhi, pay a visit now at Luxury Aesthetics Centre.

Frequently Asked Questions

What foods can aggravate acne?

The food we eat corresponds to our health and says a lot about our skin. Certain foods can rapidly raise blood sugar levels and further encourage the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. This can increase the risk of acne. Some common foods with high glycaemic index and those having the potential to worsen acne include:

  • White rice
  • White bread
  • Sugars
  • Potatoes
  • Sweetened cold drinks
  • Pasta
  • Chocolates
  • Milk and ice-cream.

Why is pimple popping not a viable action?

It’s always recommended to resist the popping of pimples. No one can get rid of their pimples overnight. Popping pimples won’t help in clearing them away rather they will only worsen the breakout. Such action would spread the acne-causing bacteria around and rip the skin. That’s because dirt and bacteria may be introduced into the pimples from fingers.

How can I get rid of my acne fast?

There is no overnight cure for acne. It’s best to avoid getting acne in the first place by practising a daily cleansing routine. Maintaining a healthy weight and refraining from indulging in high-glycaemic carbohydrates can help keep acne at bay and even reduce its severity.
Gentle acne treatments can be worthy of fighting against mild acne breakouts without harming the superficial skin. However, for severe acne, professional treatments are the best. Therefore, based on the severity of your acne, you can select a suitable treatment option amongst the over-the-counter treatments, prescription acne medications, and in-office medical procedures to deal with your acne. You can quickly get clear skin if your chosen treatment is able to work against the cause of your acne.

How should I care for my skin to keep it acne-free?

You must cleanse your face twice every day and then apply toner as well as moisturising sunscreen. You must use only non-comedogenic, water-based makeup or skin care products. After exercising or getting into any sweating activity, you should take a shower. You must avoid wearing tight clothing that covers the acne- prone areas. You must also be committed to following a healthy lifestyle. This includes taking proper sleep at night, having a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, curbing stress, and practising regular workouts. All these healthy choices when practised daily can help keep bad hormones in check that promotes sebum production and in turn prevent all types of acne.

What are the stages of the acne life cycle?

  • Acne-prone: The facial skin is oily and there is a greasy T-zone. At this stage, people would require a defence strategy to avoid acne invasions.
  • Clogged pores: The nose and cheeks area have blackheads or whiteheads. People having blackheads/whiteheads must keep these comedones in control to avoid them getting infected and becoming inflammatory acne.
  • Acne-breakout: This is a zit emergency. Inflammatory acne breakouts have invaded the skin. Acne patients need all-out action against clogged pores and inflammation.
  • Post-breakout: The inflammatory acne abnormally heals to form prominent dark spots and pigmented skin. At this time, the patients need to take out time to rescue, reset, and revive their skin.

How does acne treatment work?

Having a complete understanding of both the severity and degree of the individual case of acne is vital to help precisely treat and prevent acne. This helps individuals determine their best and appropriate treatment based on their skin type. To address this, individuals need skincare professionals. 

Skin doctors can help provide proper treatments to clear up the skin and resolve acne symptoms and their effects. They can even ensure skin protection against permanent skin damage and disfigurement.

In case of mild acne or occasional acne breakouts, patients can count on anti-acne medications or products. However, if the skin shows any of the following warning signs, it’s important to immediately consult a skin doctor near me in Delhi:

  • Being in severe emotional distress
  • Having bigger pimples discharging foul-smelling fluids
  • Acne flares up are showing up because of newly prescribed medication
  • Acne appearance is not improving rather it has grown worse even after months of intensive home care and at-home treatment
  • The acne has cleared but left behind permanent acne marks and scars
  • Experiencing any other physical symptoms over the skin apart from acne breakouts.

Who can get acne?

Anyone irrespective of age, race, ethnicity, or gender can get acne. However, acne is most common among adolescents and young adults. Teenage boys and young women are more prone to acne.

What can make acne conditions worse?

  • An unhealthy diet having trans fats, unsaturated fats, dairy products, and high glycaemic carbohydrates
  • Stress
  • Too hard scrubbing of the skin
  • Picking or squeezing at blemishes
  • Frequent touching of the face with dirty/greasy hands
  • Environmental skin irritants like increased humidity and pollution
  • Pressure on the skin and excessive sweating because of tight clothing, sports helmets, or backpacks
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Use of creams, moisturisers, cleansers, and other skin cosmetic products with high oil content.

What are the home remedies to clear up acne and prevent acne breakouts in the future?

Some promising acne home remedies include:

  • Aloe vera
  • Tea tree oil
  • Green tea
  • Honey mask.

Dark blemishes, marks or pimples around the faces, affect one conscious about how they look in front of people and this can impact both confidence and overall mood of an individual. To get the benefits of the best pimple treatment in New Delhi, Panchsheel, South Delhi (India), meet the skin experts now at Luxury Aesthetics Centre.

 Luxurious Infrastructure
World class Luxurious Infrastructure
US FDA approved Technologies
World best and US FDA approved Technologies
 Qualified Experts
Experienced and Qualified Experts
affordable Cost
Best Results at affordable Cost
Open all 7 days a week
Open all 7 days a week

Want to look instantly younger? Have any questions? Book a cosmetic consultation today and talk to one of our experts.


S-347, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Panchsheel Park, Near Panchsheel Park Metro Station, Delhi 110017



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